Madison PTO Proposed Bylaw Change


The Madison PTO is proposing the following edits to Article III of their bylaws. Please reach out to with questions or comments. Voting on the proposed change will occur at the March 3 PTO meeting in the Madison Media Center from 6:30-8pm.


Proposed Changes in red:





SECTION 1. VOTING MEMBERSHIP Every parent or guardian within Madison Elementary is automatically eligible to become a voting member of the PTO. There are no dues for membership in PTO. Voting membership will be established when the parent or guardian:

  1. Completes and submits a signed application form to the PTO Secretary; OR
  2. Attends the September meeting or 2 other meetings; OR
  3. Attends the September meeting or 2 other meetings, is a staff member of Madison Elementary AND a guardian of a child that attends Madison Elementary during the current school year; AND 
  4. The PTO board has voted to approve the membership. Voting privileges will begin at the next meeting after their application has been approved and be valid for the remainder of the school year.

Current bylaws can be found here

Coin Drive End

Thursday, March 6, 2025