• Call to order 

Attending - PTO Board, Ms. Conlon, Mr. Anderson - see sign-up sheet 9/12/24


  • Welcome - Josh - 
  • welcome everyone and encouraged people to return - recognized former president and treasurer and thanked them for their service. Reminded everyone we are all here for the kids - and to help our teachers be the best they can for our kids.
  • Introductions - Everyone
  • Principal’s Report - Mr. Anderson 
  • First 8 days of the school year have gone well
  • Mr. Andersen said he looked for easy shifts that he could make to help - staff have embraced them well.
  • Teachers are teaching commonplace expectations - 
  • Principals met with the grade levels in a group assembly and did behavior expectations with all of them.
  • Staff are responsive teamwork - safe, kind and responsible is the new mantra
  • Enrollment - 372 (projection = 419) 
  • Character strong - respect
  • MAP and Ereading - due to the READ ACT, 2 and 3rd grade are doing their beginning of the year testing with FastBridge, Math is MAP.
  • BingoPalooza - 5:30-7:30p 9.19 and 9.26
  • Math Achievement Goal 73.1% score at or above grade level above
  • Reading Achievement Goal - 64.6% score at or above grade level above
  • Picture day is on 9.17
  • 10.7 and 10.10 - Parent and Teacher Conferences
    • Conferences - Sunshine committee would like to look into partnering with PTO for a pot-luck night.
    • Do we continue fund requests that or change practice to be more equitable for the classroom teachers (gift cards for every teacher)?
    • Budget cuts are coming down the pipeline - meeting at October 8 at BHS
  • Coordinator Updates / Coordinator(s) Needed for the following items:  
    • Yearbook - Emily and Nicole are on the yearbook, 
    • Spirit Wear - the binders were Jen Schroeder and were given to Casey, Matt at Rebel - JT will be handling it. 
    • Dinner Night Out (DNO) -  
  • Treasurer’s Report - JT Tyra - full budget is available online, overview is attached. 
    • Mustangathon didn’t raise enough money for the playground (quarter to half a million estimated)
      • Corporations donations? Very hard to find. 
    • District has said they will continue to repair the playground if it’s unsafe, they would remove it, but not necessarily replace it. 
  • Funding Requests / putting current forms back into cubby - JT/Carin
    • Ms. Aeschlimann requested $83.10 for supplies for WatchDOGS - voted - motion carried to fund.
  • Write in agenda item - changing the night of the meetings from Thursday to Mondays - voted and motion has carried to fund
    • 2nd Mondays work for every month except for March then it will be in first March 
  • Mustang-a-Thon / Spirit Week:  Monday September 23rd to Friday, September 27th 
  • Mr. Anderson’s thoughts on going off school grounds 
  • Parent Flyer / Donation Envelope Due to go home with students Monday Sept 16th
  • Friday September 27th official event day
  • FUN outdoor day! Volunteers needed 
  • Spirit Week days- Ideas 
    • MONDAY 9/23 - Comfy Cozy Day / Pajama Day 
    • TUESDAY 9/24 - Hat Day
    • WEDNESDAY 9/25 - Class Color Day (K - Gray; 1st - Red; 2nd; Blue: 3: Purple; 4: Green; 5: Black) 
    • THURSDAY 9/26 - Sports Day 
    • FRIDAY 9/27 - Madison Pride Day (wear Madison clothes day)
      • Prizes - Distribution and Classroom Prizes 
        • Prizes will be done as as classroom this year - Josh will be tracking it as a class and doing a tracker for the students in front of the gym
    • Other MaT questions / discussion? 
  • Upcoming Events 
  • No Halloween Dance this year. 
    • Fall Festival is possible if we get a Coordinator. Combine Turkey Bingo with a Fall Festival? ($1,500 Budget for event)
      • Halloween Dance is not something all of our students can participate in. We need to find something that all of our students can participate in. Fall Festival? 
      • Turkey Bingo - maybe split the gym to make it easier.
      • Winter Formal? Ms. Conlon and Mr. Anderson have reservations about a dance - there are a lot of behavior issues. 
  • Open Discussion (as time permits)
    • PTO should be more extroverted - try to invite more parents


                                         **Next PTO  meeting will be Monday, October 14th at 6:30pm** 



Contact: board@madison-pto.org 

Website: www.Madison-pto.org 

Facebook: http://www.Facebook.com/madison4pto